Military father hugs son after reuniting.

Feeling at Home as a Military Family: Venta Partners with NMFA

Venta and the National Military Family Association are teaming up to help military families feel at home for the holidays.

Here at Venta, we are dedicated to helping families live healthier lives with better indoor air quality. This holiday season, we’re thrilled to collaborate with the National Military Family Association in creating a simple guide to making your home a healthy, comfortable, and welcoming place for your family, no matter the circumstances you’re facing.

The National Military Family Association is an organization committed to providing support and resources to American military families nationwide. Military families involved in the organization gain valuable support through scholarship programs, education, career, and counseling resources, just to name a few of the many support programs available.

Feeling At Home As a Military Family

Military family waits for their family member to return home from deployment
Image Source: National Military Family Association

Between deployment and frequent moves, it can be a challenge for military families to feel at home. According to the National Military Family Association, most military families move, on average, every 3-4 years in a 20-year career. The average military child will attend nine different schools before their senior year of high school. And As of 2016, a little over 2.7 million children have had a deployed parent. This number includes service members’ own children, foster children, stepchildren, and pre-adoptive children.

Military families experience quite a bit of stress in making their homes feel comfortable and welcoming when faced with these circumstances. This is why Venta and the NMFA have collaborated to put together some tips on how to make your house feel more like home this holiday season, letting you get back to focusing on quality family time.

Staying Healthy with Humidified Indoor Air

mother and son wait for military family member
Image Source: National Military Family Association

With so much going on between work, school, and keeping up with family and military activities, there is just no time to deal with the unnecessary hassles of dry air like head colds, nose bleeds, and dry skin. No matter what season it is, dry air from weather, heating, or air conditioning systems can cause a slew of problems.

Dry air is no match for the Venta Humidifier. With Venta’s revolutionary Cold Evaporation system, there is never a fear of over-humidification or damage to precious wood items like instruments, antiques, or wood floors. You can rely on the Venta Humidifier for even humidification in the way you don’t get with traditional humidifiers. And forget about white dust covering your furniture!

The Venta Humidifier perfectly humidifies your indoor air so quality family time won’t be disrupted by common dry air problems like itchy cracked skin, nose bleeds, headaches, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, sore throats, and head colds.

Keeping Your Home Clean and Allergen Free

Military family home using the Venta Airwasher for healthy indoor air quality
Image Source: Only Passionate Curiosity

In addition to healthy, humidified air quality in your home with the humidifier, allergic reactions from dust and allergens are greatly reduced, allowing you to get back to the things that really matter. There’s a lot on your mind after moving into a new house or preparing for a loved one’s return home, don’t let dust and allergies be a concern!

While simultaneously humidifying, the humidifier also reduces your air pollutants such as dust and pollen. Heather Aliano of Only Passionate Curiosity recently blogged about her experience as a military family dealing with the challenges of frequently moving. Heather talked about how the humidifier has helped keep her home feeling like the comfortable and welcoming place it is:

“I mentioned that we have a Venta Humidifier running full speed, all the time in our new home. I’ve never known I needed a machine like this until I had one […] after experiencing one in my home, I have been telling everyone and their brother that they need one. I don’t know how it does it but it manages to keep our home smelling fresh, it helps sicknesses pass more quickly, and prevents them from spreading and has done wonders for my constantly stuffy nose.”

We were grateful to have Heather share her Venta story with us and the Only Passionate Curiosity community!

Getting Back to Sleep

Military families need to catch up on sleep when they can.

For military families, life can be exceptionally stressful. Moving, changing schools and jobs, deployment, healthcare, coping with loss, there are many unique stressors that can be thrown at you. Your home should be your sanctuary where you feel comfortable and welcome to rest and relax. While there are many factors that can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep, air quality does play a significant role in how well you sleep.

Dry air, allergens, and indoor air pollution are all factors that prevent you from getting the best quality sleep. Sleeping becomes easier and more restful when just the right amount of humidity is added to dry bedroom air. Airborne pollutants like dust and pollen are greatly reduced in an humidified room. This is welcome news as these particles are harmful to breathe and can cause respiratory problems including sleep apnea.

A Healthy Home is a Happy Home

Venta strives to make your home a healthy place where you can feel at ease. When your family is healthy and happy, that leaves more time to enjoy the things that really matter: quality time together. The folks over at the National Military Family Association have even more tips for feeling at home, especially during the hectic holiday season. 

Military father hugs son after reuniting.
Image Source: National Military Family Association

We have been exceptionally fortunate to develop a special relationship with the National Military Family Association. Together, we are working to help make all military families feel healthy and comfortable at home, no matter the challenges they may be facing.

We especially want to do all we can for these incredible families during the holiday season and encourage our readers to consider getting involved and donating to the NMFA to help continue their mission of strengthening our nation’s families through programs designed to encourage healing, reduce challenges, and overcome obstacles together. Donate Now!

National Military Family Association logo

Follow the NMFA on social media to stay up-to-date with news and events!

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