Celebrate Air Quality Awareness Week With these Five Goals

May 1st-5th is Air Quality Awareness Week. Celebrate and make the pledge to improve indoor and outdoor air quality with these five goals.

  • Wildfires
  • Asthma and Air Quality
  • Air Quality Trends
  • Air Quality Around the World
  • Citizen Science

Here at Venta, we are passionate about improving your indoor air quality and are pleased to be participating in this great initiative about being more “Air Aware.”

Air quality both indoors and outdoors is vital for our overall health and wellness. Here are five goals you can set today to help raise awareness and improve air quality.

Decrease Automobile Emissions

Change Your Transportation Habits to Lessen Automobile Emission Causing Air Pollution

One of the easiest ways you can help improve the state of the air where you live is by changing your transportation habits. Do you drive everywhere when you could walk, take a bus/train or ride a bike? Make a conscious effort to really evaluate your transportation methods.

While mass forms of public transportation can be a double-edged sword, efficient at transporting more people, but oftentimes more environmentally harmful, many cities are turning to green practices when it comes to their public transit system. Here in Chicago, the Chicago Transit Authority is working on retrofitting buses to utilize modern pollution controls like particulate filters, which can eliminate up to 90 percent of harmful pollutants like diesel soot from a tailpipe.

If your town doesn’t have a system like this to improve automobile emissions from public transit, get involved and talk to your local government about what steps it would take to start making buses and trains more environmentally friendly.

Ridesharing apps are already a great way to cut down on the amount of driving you to do, but what’s even better is the option to share your ride with another passenger. Some examples are UberPOOL and Lyft Line.

If you want to get a little exercise in on your commute while also cutting down on air pollution, consider biking to work. Many cities have bike-share systems set up, where you can rent public bikes at stations set up across the city.

Refrain from Using Harmful Products Indoors

Know the Health Benefits or Hazards of Common Household Products

Being “Air Aware” means checking the quality of your indoor air just as much as it does your outdoor air. Common household products like candles, cleaning products, and office equipment are all poor air quality culprits. In fact, your indoor air can be just as unhealthy if not more than outdoor air quality.

Make it a goal to know how the products you use contribute to your indoor air quality. Research has shown that scented candles have an adverse effect on people with asthma. Opt for non-scented candles or an alternative air freshener. Many household cleaners contain and put out harmful chemicals which can also be replaced with healthier DIY options.

Sitting next to the printer in your office may be convenient, but you might want to relocate. Laser printers emit a high level of ultra-fine toner particles which can be hazardous to your health, in some instances causing respiratory irritation or cardiovascular issues.

Simply being aware of what affects your indoor air is the first step to improving it.

Invest in Quality Products for Your Indoor Air

Get the Right Products for Your Home or Office that Will Improve Your Air Quality, Not Harm It

Because indoor air quality can be more harmful than outdoor air, you need all the tools available to create a healthy environment. Whether you’re considering your home or office, investing in quality products that promise healthy indoor air will be beneficial in the long run.

When it comes to adding humidity to dry office air which can decrease productivity or cleaning your bedroom of allergens, not all humidifiers and purifiers are created equal. Consumer Reports warns against cheap, vaporizer type humidifiers as being more harmful than helpful:

“Both the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency warn that emissions from dirty humidifiers can cause health problems, especially for folks who suffer from asthma or allergies.”

There’s no need to spend time and money on products that will only do more harm than good. For improved air quality, invest in a Venta Humidifier, the eco-friendly cold evaporative humidifier that operates without the use of filters. When it comes to air quality products, be a smart consumer.

Stay Up-to-Date With Air Quality News

Staying Informed Will Help You Make Conscious Decisions Regarding Your Air

Make it a goal to stay informed about news, legislation, and innovations regarding air quality, indoors and outdoors. The quality of your air affects so much of your overall health and wellness, why not be informed?

Many weather websites and apps have air quality forecasts and alerts already built-in. Follow environmental and health organizations on social media or in your local community to get up-to-date news. Join a local or national group that allows you to get hands-on experience at working towards improving the state of the air.

Teach Others About Good Air Quality Practices

Share Your Knowledge With Friends and Family About Being “Air Aware”

Be a smart consumer, make smart transportation decisions, and be air aware. The best thing you can do when you truly become “air aware” is to share those practices with others. Teach your children how they can make a difference in making good air quality decisions.

Encourage friends, neighbors, and coworkers to join you in practicing air quality awareness not only this week but for the whole year. You’ll be amazed by how much you can accomplish!

What are your Air Quality Awareness Week goals?

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