You And Your Indoor Air: Effective Ways To Improve The Air Quality in Your Home

Individuals who have a higher standard of living are discovering simple yet effective ways to improve their air quality. So what ways are those, exactly?

The average American spends roughly 93% of their life indoors, according to the findings of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) so it follows that people are placing more focus on air quality and its effects on health. It’s good then that individuals who have a higher standard of living are discovering simple yet effective ways to improve their air quality. So what ways are those, exactly?

 Have AC Units Serviced Regularly

Air conditioning units (AC units) were generally considered a luxury. Now, around 64% of homes in the US utilize an air conditioning unit, as found in the American Housing Survey. A big contributor to your indoor air quality is the air that is processed through your air conditioning unit. If the coils or filter isn’t clean, the air that ends up in your home can be contaminated with pollutants. It is in your best interest to ensure that any air conditioning units in your home are serviced regularly. Depending on whether you have any pets or if anyone has allergies in your home, your AC filter should be changed with some frequency. That way, any harmful pollutants won’t block the airflow, and you get to enjoy cleaner indoor air. 

Periodically Test Your Air Quality

In order to understand what changes you will need to make to improve your indoor air quality, you will need to be able to ascertain the state of the air. A good way to obtain a reliable reading is through an indoor air quality monitor. Much like a fitness tracker, an indoor air quality monitor should be able to give you a real-time update on the present state of your air quality. It should also give you a detailed history of the air quality so you can take note of any improvements and know what’s working. That way, if there is a significant decline, you can be aware of what may have caused it. A monitor will also provide you with a stronger idea of what is considered to be clean indoor air based on the Air Quality Index.

While there are many things in this life that you cannot control, thankfully, your indoor air quality is not one of them. Your air quality should be as luxurious as you deserve it to be. This is why it is best to make use of simple yet effective ways to enhance the air quality in your home.

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