Five Ways to Create an Eco-Friendly Home Office

As a result of modern research, knowing the benefits of being eco-friendly has encouraged people across the globe to be more environmentally conscious in their day-to-day life. By taking a holistic approach to your lifestyle you take part in the prevention of pollution and help conserve energy. Whether you are new to a work-from-home lifestyle or are a vetted “work from home” employee, here are a few ways to create an eco-friendly home office.

Enlist the Help of a Sustainability Consultant

Figuring out what changes best suit your unique home and office space can be a challenge. Consider talking to a sustainability consultant (also known as a green consultant). They will be able to look at the needs of your individual home office and point you in the right direction. Consultants are experts at what they do and have top knowledge of certain hazards that cause in-home pollution and what in your home is using too much energy. After a consultant is able to examine your home, you will receive a full analysis of improvements which will allow you to take a step back and examine the most beneficial next steps.

Look into Refinance Options

When considering adjustments to your home and in the home office your first obstacle might be figuring out how you will come up with the funds for such changes. If this is you, refinancing your home might be the answer you have been looking for. When you refinance your home you receive a monetary sum and for many, as well as obtain the opportunity to lower your interest rate and monthly payment on your mortgage. Not only could you use the lump sum acquired towards your home updates but you could also be saving monthly! as well! Knowing how much financially you have to work with will help you determine the right changes for your home.

Invest in an Air Purifier

Eco-friendly air purifiers clean the air in your home while also conserving the energy it puts out. In the midst of a pandemic, the use of an air purifier makes a difference when keeping you and your family safe from viruses, mold, and allergens. When purchasing an air purifier, consider buying from a company that understands corporate sustainability. This ensures the materials both for the product itself and packaging is being considered with the environment in mind. A Venta Air Purifier performs with low energy consumption, is manufactured using 100% wind-powered energy, and nearly all components are recyclable.

Ensure the Space is Properly Insulated

Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is making sure you are using as little energy as possible. Proper insulation decreases the amount of energy needed to constantly be heating your home. While making sure there is good insulation in the walls of your home office is the most important, overlooked areas of the home might also be floors and windows. If you have wood floors in the room, consider placing an area rug in your space. Not only will it cozy up your office but you will also be able to decrease the amount of air coming through the cracks of the floor.

To secure the insulation in your windows, look into double-glazing the windows that do not already have it. Double glazing acts as an insulator that eliminates the amount of air that’s able to pass in and out. Keeping the air inside either cooler or warmer for longer reduces the amount of energy your heating and air system needs to use to maintain certain temperatures.

Have Solar Panels Installed

Just as the push to become more environmentally friendly has increased, the installation and use of Solar panels have also increased in popularity over the past few years. Solar panel technology is used to absorb sunlight to be used as an energy source for heating and electricity. This technology has advanced over the years to be able to be utilized in areas that do not have constant sunlight as well. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, solar energy stops 7.7 tons of toxic greenhouse gasses from being released into the atmosphere per household that switches over.

Every change that can be made makes an impact on the world. By adjusting your home office to be more eco-friendly you are taking part in a journey that not only betters the world you live in but allows for a healthier and safer environment for future generations.

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