Reduce Spring Allergy Symptoms at Home with These Five Tips

Even in the comfort of your home, you can suffer from seasonal allergies. Take these preventative measures to reduce your spring allergy symptoms at home.

Warm spring days lure us outside with the promise of sunshine, blooming flowers, and birds chirping from trees. However, the nice weather worsens symptoms in people who suffer from seasonal allergies and the accompanying runny noses and itchy, watery eyes. Don’t let the high pollen count and stiff breezes ruin your time outdoors; instead, check out some of these natural ways to reduce spring allergy symptoms at home.

Plan Your Time Outdoors

Before you head out into springtime weather, check your local pollen count online. If the count is especially high, consider staying indoors for the day and using the time for another activity, such as spring cleaning. Pollen counts are usually highest between 10 am – 4 pm as well as on days with low humidity and a gentle breeze. Since rain washes pollen away, consider waiting until after a spring shower to head out.

Check Your Cleaning Products

Speaking of spring cleaning, while dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning surfaces can remove indoor allergens, the chemicals in some cleaning products may trigger allergies. Opt for natural cleaning products or traditional household items such as vinegar and baking soda.

Spring Clean Your Air

Keep your indoor air free of allergens to provide relief for when you do venture outside into the high pollen count. Using a Venta Humidifier for your home will reduce dust and pollen by using cold evaporation to trap the allergens. You should also check the filters in both your furnace and air conditioner and change them regularly.

Don’t Let Allergens Sneak In

Allergens and pollen can latch on to you throughout the day and cause you to accidentally bring them in the house with you. Take off your shoes at the door so that you don’t track in pollen, and change your clothes as soon as possible. Taking a shower will wash off any pollen that has accumulated on your body, and if you shower before bed, you will ensure that any pollen you have collected during the day won’t rub off on your pillow.

Make Smart Eating Choices

Eating right can provide natural allergy relief. Anti-oxidants and omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation and other symptoms of seasonal allergies; berries and salmon, respectively, are strong sources of these nutrients. Magnesium-rich foods such as nuts, beans, whole grains, leafy greens, and bananas can lessen the severity of nasal allergies and breathing problems. In addition, using a teaspoon of locally grown honey in your tea or oatmeal may increase your tolerance for the pollen in your area.


We have survived a long, tough winter, and seasonal allergies shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the warm weather we’ve been waiting for. By taking steps to reduce your spring allergy symptoms at home, you can soak up the sun without worrying about the negative side effects of seasonal allergies.

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