Welcome to a good atmosphere. Welcome home.
Typically, people spend most of the day indoors, not only when it’s cold outside. Even in summer, we are at home or in the office the majority of the day, so the climate in our rooms has a significant impact on our wellbeing. What exactly is a good room climate, and how can we improve it?

What is a healthy room climate?
A healthy climate depends on various aspects that affect whether or not we feel comfortable in indoor spaces. Naturally, room temperature is top of the list, but the temperature of surfaces such as flooring, walls, and furniture is also important. Another factor for wellbeing in interiors is light conditions. That includes the amount of daylight and the color temperature of artificial lighting. Ambient noise levels also affect comfort.
Air quality has a major impact. Factors that determine this are humidity as well as air movement or drafts. Chemicals and harmful substances emitted by furniture or carpets as well as other unpleasant smells result in poor air quality.
What defines a healthy room climate?
This is partly a subjective feeling, but there are objective parameters that help define room climate. These include temperature and humidity, which can be easily measured with a thermometer or a hygrometer.
Different rooms need different temperatures. Most people feel comfortable at temperatures of 68 to 73°F in living rooms and kitchens, while they prefer 73°F in bathrooms. The ideal in bedrooms is 60 to 65°F. However, any lower than 57 to 60 degrees can cause condensation, leading to mold – which is bad for air quality.
The best relative humidity for rooms is between 40 and 60%, but it’s not always easy to achieve, especially in winter when rooms are heated and windows are kept closed.

What can be done to improve room climate?
Small actions can often have a big effect. For example, opening the windows several times a day allows stale air out and fresh air in. It helps get rid of unpleasant odors and prevents mold. This is a great way to improve air quality, particularly in winter. The rule is: better to open windows wide for a short time (five to ten minutes) than to leave a small gap over a longer period.
Plants can also improve the room climate. They not only brighten the space up, but they can also contribute to good air quality. Large-leafed plants such as Cyprus grass or ferns increase humidity. Some plants even filter out harmful airborne substances. They include ivy, spider plants, and rubber plants.
The other option is air purifiers and humidifiers. Venta Humidifiers work without filters, using the proven cold evaporation method of humidification. A fan directs the ambient air into the water-filled humidifier, where it travels through specially arrayed disk stacks. Hygienically clean air then evaporates from their surfaces into the room. Simultaneously, the disks trap harmful substances such as dust or pollen, which are then washed off in the water and collected in the water reservoir.